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C O N T A C T   U S

C O A C H I N G   P A C K A G E S


O N E   M O N T H  |  T H R E E   M O N T H S  |  S I X   M O N T H S


W E E K L Y   V I R T U A L   S E S S I O N S

V I A   Z O O M





Based on your specific needs and goals - you will receive customized coaching sessions, which will guide you to achieving your goals using my 7+ years of knowledge and expertise in business and the lash industry. Together we will elevate your skills as a lash artist, your business, and most importantly - your quality of life.


This will ensure you stand out in the lash industry and attract your ideal clientele.


My goal is to help women achieve financial independence and freedom, allowing them the ability to enjoy life.


It's not enough to work hard, you'll burn out.


You need to  W O R K   S M A R T.


That's when the real growth (and fun) begins.



W H A T ' S   I N C L U D E D ?


A customized lesson plan to achieve all goals discussed during our initial meeting

Customized vision and branding boards 

Hour-long, weekly Zoom sessions

Weekly assignments with deadlines

Which will allow me to follow-up with progress reports and feedback


Certificate upon completion



A R E   Y O U   R E A D Y   T O   M A K E   A   C H A N G E ?


Before you say yes...


Remember, change and growth do not come easily. You will be pushed outside of your comfort zone. Make sure you are `100% committed and prepared for this before registering below. 


L E T ' S   G E T   S T A R T E D !




Please take some time to fill out the form below and I'll be in touch shortly

What is most important to you? (Choose all that apply)

Thanks for submitting!

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